Agricultural Market

Agricultural Market
Thị trường đậu tương thế giới,"Viên Ngọc Sáng" đối với nhà đầu tư  trên thị trường giao dịch hàng hóa

World soybean market, "Bright Pearl" for investors in the commodity trading market

Le Anh Agricultural Products Company est spécialisée dans la fourniture de produits originaires des États-Unis au marché vietnamien, y compris le soja à des prix extrêmement raisonnables, garantissant la satisfaction des clients et des partenaires. Au cours de la première semaine de novembre 2022, Le Anh Agricultural Products a amarré 25 conteneurs de soja américain et au cours des 3 semaines suivantes, plus de 45 conteneurs.

Thị trường gạo Ấn Độ tại Việt Nam khan hiếm do Ấn Độ hạn chế xuất khẩu

World rice market cools down

While the pressure on global food prices has increased due to drought and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the announcement of a ban on exports of broken rice by India, the world's largest rice exporter in early September, has caused a stir. more concerns.


Soybean market in Vietnam

In Vietnam, soybean is a food with a long and important tradition, providing the main source of protein for humans, an indispensable component of traditional and modern meals. The current Vietnamese soybean market is very diverse and rich in quality and quantity.


Why does the price of animal feed increase sharply?

Animal feed prices have continuously increased in recent times, making our country's livestock industry difficult due to epidemics (African swine fever, Covid-19 epidemic) even more difficult.

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